The year 2021 is the start of the
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration declared four years after the
Paris Agreement. The latter is an international treaty to limit global warming to well below 2 (preferably 1.5) degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times usually dated to 1850 – 1900. The decade will be officially launched on
World Environment Day, June 05 th , 2021 in Pakistan.

Not only the highest levels of politics have registered that something is wrong with the planet but also anyone with open eyes spotted that change is needed. Media reports support this as well: The planet is in danger. The past three years have seen a surge in heatwaves, wildfires, storms, droughts, decline of biodiversity and other calamities at unprecedented scales and most recently a global pandemic is threatening humanity. It is reassuring to see that many industries are beginning to think about how they can contribute to the goals of the Paris Agreement and some businesses are already implementing measures and taking the lead. Hopefully more businesses will follow.
The first few months of 2021 have seen a number of high-level conferences, all digital, dedicated to bringing the decision makers to the global table. The
One Planet Summit for Biodiversity took place in January, while the new US president convened the
Leaders Summit on Climate on Earth Day in April. Interestingly there were a number of other events on this day like the
Exponential Climate Action Summit which were dedicated to looking at the finances of the tasks ahead. Impressively there are
literally trillions of dollars available over the next 30 years. By 2050 the world wants to have achieved carbon neutrality. As it stands today not only the technology but also the financial means are available to tackle the most pressing problems of the millennium.

One element connecting all disasters is the spatial context. This is where HERMOSA comes in with its ability to not only manage spatial data, but also provides access to analytical capabilities regarding Earth observation data. Due to the scope and the scale of the aforementioned challenges, remotely sensed data is one essential building block for the necessary insights and the provisioning of transparency and traceability especially given the amount of money needing to be spent and the severity of the problem. If humanity fails in this crisis then future generations will not inherit a liveable planet.
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