The Graphical Web 2012: Day two focussed on WebGIS

Marc Jansen speaking at the Graphical Web Conference

Marc Jansen speaking at the Graphical Web Conference

J. Davis spoke

J. Davis spoke

An example of the art by J. Davis (Quelle:

An example of the art by J. Davis (Quelle:

On the second day of the conference “The Graphical Web 2012” in Zurich a large portion of the conference program is dedicated to GIS applications on the web. 9 presentations today are located in the tracks “2D Web Mapping and Web-GIS” and “SVG Mapping Panel” amongst them the talk “WebGIS with vector data using OpenLayers and GeoExt” by one of our staff Marc Jansen. Especially the outlook regarding the next major release OpenLayers 3 with a live demonstration excited the audience. Fundamentally one can say for the shown 2D webmapping applications that the direct use of vectors is becoming the norm. Highlights of the very solid presentation program were the very interesting and entertaining keynotes. On this Wednesday there were two quite different talks with “Google Swiffy: Converting SWF files to open web technologies” by Pieter Senster (Google) & “Beyond Play” by Joshua Davis (Joshua Davis Studios) that were quite amusing. The results of Flash-to-HTML5-conversion with Swiffy look very promising. The numerous works of art shown by Joshua Davies and generated with a combination of Processing, SVG-graphics and some luck (random values are essential for the generation), speaks volumes. Also the highly entertaining style of presentation is unequalled.