OSGeo Codesprint 2018: Hacking on FOSSGIS 2018 in Bonn

As announced on our homepage, the annual OSGeo CodeSprint took place from 18-03-2018 to 25-03-2018. This time in parallel to the FOSSGIS conference in the extraordinary ambience of the Bonn BaseCamp.

After Toronto (2009), New York City (2010), Montreal (2011), Island Wood, Seattle (2012), Boston (2013), Vienna (2014), Philadelphia (2015), Paris (2016) and last year Daytona Beach, this event took place in Germany for the first time.

The response to the codesprint was enormous, 95 participants were registered on the event wiki page. Also the content variety of the represented projects was incredibily wide; from basic libraries like GDAL, Proj (Proj.4), OWSLib & JTS via GRASS GIS, MapServer, GeoServer & deegree to OpenLayers, react-geo, Mapbender and last but not least numerous other projects like QGIS, GeoNetwork & SHOGun (etc.).

A total of eight employees from terrestris took part, who were able to establish and maintain contacts with friendly teams in addition to viewing and processing our core technologies. Below you can see some results of the CodeSprint in numbers and images (here using react-geo as an example).

In the still young project react-geo there is a clear peak in commits for CodeSprint Week. Besides new features, bugs have been fixed and the documentation has been improved. In total, even more lines were deleted than added, with an emphasis on refactoring the existing code while maintaining existing functionality used in projects.

The improved documentation of the react-geo library deserves special mention. The revised documentation is available at https://terrestris.github.io/react-geo/docs/latest/index.html, which contains detailed configuration options and an editable live example for all components. Styleguidist has been used for documentation since the react codesprint.

Here are some impressions of this year’s codesprint at Basecamp Bonn: 

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There are numerous photos of the event at Flickr; you can view them here

The organisation of this year’s codesprint, which was partly supported by terrestris employees, was excellent overall. At this point we would like to thank OSGeo and all participants as well as the numerous sponsors for the successful event.

We look forward with anticipation to a possible participation at future events of this kind, because the friendly and collaborative atmosphere supports an effective but also creative work on free and open source GIS software in the best possible way.