Since last Monday seven developers from different companies are working and debating on the premises of
camptocamp in Chambéry, France to design the next main version of the popular JavaScript map library
The following developers are participating in the „Code Sprint OpenLayers 3“: Mike Adair (
DM Solutions Group), Andreas Hocevar (
OpenGeo), Marc Jansen (terrestris), Éric Lemoine (
camptocamp), Tom Payne (
camptocamp), Petr Přidal (
Klokan Technologies) and Tim Schaub (
OpenGeo). Besides core developers from OpenLayers also developers from
WebGL Earth, OpenWebGlobe and
Proj4JS belong to the team.
Since the developments are far from finished this interim report cannot go into detail because even the fundamentals of the design of the new library are still subject to change. On the first day the development infrastructure was set up and the libraries to be used were harmonised. One focus lay on the application programming interface (API) that OpenLayers 3 will offer. In future it will be much easier to write readable and maintainable application code which uses the full functionality of OpenLayers.
On Tuesday essential developments regarding the internal and external API were dealt with and also some configuration- and development hurdles taken. Some classes (i.e. a base map class, a Loc-class, that will rid us of the unloved OpenLayers.LonLat-class, some geometry classes) were developed as a prototype. Work on the renderers – amongst these some based on SVG, VML and Canvas there will also be a WebGL-Renderer for 2,5 & 3D – was conceptualised and started. For application events and vector transformations code including unit-tests was written.
The target for Wednesday was to create a working example of a renderer, one or two layertypes and some controls. At 22:00 h local time we had not as yet achieved this goal. Many of our first developments were rejected and redesigned. Since the target of the new development of OpenLayers was to provide a solid base for future developments we consciously discussed a lot which of course kept us from coding.
In the meantime we have agreed on a basic setup and a class- and API-design that will be sustainable for the future of OpenLayers. As of tomorrow we will work on the implementation of our collective ideas and hope to have a demo application and its code ready for publication by Friday or Monday.
We are mainly working the following git-repository:
https://github.com/openlayers/ol3 There is more information available in this Blogpost: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/ol3-sprint