In the context of the 20 th Bonn Economy Talks, which took place on June 11 th 2017 in the outside area of the Bonn Opera, the local newspaper Schaufenster/Blickpunkt published a special issue.
One theme of this special issue was the work of the Bonn-ambassador. Till Adams, CEO of terrestris, was appointed economic ambassador at the last meeting of the Bonn-ambassadors. Bonn-ambassadors are closely connected to the city of Bonn and want to commit themselves fully to the location. Currently, there are 12 international and 23 economic ambassadors that are actively engaged in issues concerning the city. You can find the complete report from the special issue at the end of this article.
The Economy Talks in Bonn were initiated with so-called speed-dating. Representing terrestris was CEO Hinrich Paulsen, who also participated in the speed-dating. In the course of this, the participants were facing each other in an inner- and an outer circle. They had 90 seconds to introduce themselves and exchange business cards. After 90 seconds, the outer circle moved further along, one position at a time. This procedure was quite effective in order to get into conversation with many people in a short amount of time.
Following the speed-dating, Victoria Appelbe, Bonn Economic Development Office, and Ashok Sridharan, mayor of Bonn, delivered a short speech. Afterwards, in fine weather and under provision of sufficient catering, there was the opportunity for further discussions among the
participants of the Economy Talks.
