FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam


From 29 to 31 August 2018, this year’s global FOSS4G will take place in Dar es Saalam, Tanzania and after 2008 (Cape Town) for the second time on the African continent. The FOSS4G is the event where the international OSGeo community meets.

An event like a FOSS4G always has the potential to catalyse the geocommunity in the host country and to initiate activities on many levels or to continue existing ones. The topic of free and open source software is certainly still in its infancy in sub-Saharan Africa, but especially for developing countries open source is an excellent alternative, because with the software also the knowledge about the software and how to adapt it for one’s own needs can remain in the respective country.

Till Adams, founder of terrestris, managing director of mundialis, and last but not least, chair of the global FOSS4G conference in 2016, will be present at this year’s conference. Further information about our activities and the program in general will follow soon. You can already remember the most important data:

  • 21 March 2018: Call for Papers
  • May 15, 2018: Last day for Early Bird registration
  • 27 – 28 August 2018: Workshops
  • 29 – 31 August 2018: main conference
  • 01 – 02 September 2018: Code Sprints + Community Events