Edit OpenStreetMap continuously

The number of contributors to the worldwide free WIKI world map OpenStreetMap is increasing daily. However, for many people, the initial hurdle for getting involved seems to be high or time consuming. OpenStreetMap always benefits a lot from the fact that people know their local environment best and are...

Variable application – not only in case of emergency

In the case of increased nuclear radiation readings it is necessary to implement fast and target-oriented measures in order to protect the population. On behalf of the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), terrestris is developing a modular application that processes data from more than 2,000 measuring points...

GeoServer – Layerpublizierung und Umbenennung über die REST-Schnittstelle

In einem unserer aktuellen Projekte existierte die Anforderung, über 300 verschiedene Layer aus einer Datenbank im GeoServer zu publizieren und deren Namen individuell anzupassen. Der erste Gedanke eines Entwicklers bei einem solchen Auftrag ist üblicherweise: “Wie löse ich mein Problem möglichst automatisiert und einfach reproduzierbar?”. Denn: Das manuelle Publizieren und...